William Agnew - Personal Trainer



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Good Times Entertainment


>Ab Diet

>Ab Exercises

>Ab Equipment

>Ab Crunches

>Lower Abs

>Core Workout

>Muscle Confusion

>Diet Pills


>Nutrition tips


>Anti Aging Foods

>Diet Tips

>Vegetarian Recipes


>Exercise Facts


>Chin Ups

>Jump Rope


>Tae Bo

>Dumbbell Exercises

Solution Graphics


>Body Magic

>Lose Weight


>Body Fat %


>Whey Protein



SelectTech Dumbells

Contact Me

Who am I:
I am a fitness expert, motivational speaker, a health and wellness coach; and I have been a certified physical fitness trainer for the past six years. I am also the founder of www.ready-your-abs.com.

My Story:
ContactI worked for Fortune 500 company Intel Corporation for more than seven years. During this time I began to ignore my health mainly due to the excessive amount of hours I was putting in at the office. The corporate success was great, but physically I've alway been athletically above average and stayed in relatively great shape.

As I continued to focus more on work I began to lose that edge; that edge that was such a vital part of my success in not only the corporate world, but life in general. It's a proven fact that when you look and feel good, you not only perform better, you have a stronger since of self confidence which was so important in helping me achieve my goals and aspirations. This guy once told me; and I've heard it from many people; "Why do all this healthy eating and working out... we're all going to die anyway." All I could think was wow how sad....and sadly that is the attitude of many people today.

Why bother.....?

That was my motivation for starting this site and starting this workout program. To show people how they can stay physically fit without sacrificing to much time and spending very little money while doing it all in the privacy of your own home. If you're like me, you are probably fed up with all the hype, and all the lies, and all the deceptions fed to you by the weight loss and fitness industry. I am here to help you clear out the myths and help you understand that YOU too can also live a healthy and physically fit life.

DinnerMy name is William Agnew and I am availible to you for absolutely free as a health and fintnes trainer and coach or just a consultant to assist and help you get on the right track in regards to your health and physical finess. You can contact me anytime at the number above or email me, facebook me, twitter me, myspace me....etc. Now is the time ladies and gentlemen to take control of your life and stop letting the external forces like food control you.

I am here to help you succeed, contact me anytime. Lets get started today. For more info on how to start a successful online business and up to date health tips be sure to visit the Ready-Your-Abs Blog