Dumbbell Workouts Are Easy And Inexpensive...And Best Off All Can Be Done Right In The Privacy Of Your Own Home.

Many people attempting to lose weight fail to understand that working the largest muscle groups in the lower body will boosts your body metabolism extra fast. This is why it's important not to ignore the legs..the quadriceps, hamstrings, and the gluteal muscles. Dumbbell Workouts are a great way to achieve this.
Check out the video below to get more information on how implementing a very inexpensive easy to do in the privacy of your own home dumbbell workout,can help
you achieve your weightloss goal.
Dumbbell Lower Body Example Exercises
1. Stand holding a weight in each hand, arm hanging at your sides.
2. Spread feet about six inches apart. Make sure back is straight, step forward with your right foot and lower your body until your right thigh is almost parallel to the floor.
3.Push back to the starting position and repeat with the opposite foot.
You can also do a reverse lunge by taking a step back instead of forward.
Below are different variations of the lunge is a good example of switching up your routine while working the same muscles from different angles.
Side Lunge
Lunge to one side while positioning the closest weight behind your thigh and opposite one to the front. Lower body and keep knee pointed the same direction of foot. Return to original standing position Repeat by alternating lunge with opposite leg.
Split Squat
Using a regular chair from the kitchen , and weights facing away from your chair. Extend leg back and place top of foot on bench. Squat down by flexing knee and hip of front leg until knee of rear leg is almost in contact with floor. Return to original standing position and continue with opposite leg.
Step Up
Place foot on chair. Stand on chair by extending the hip and knee of the first leg and place the foot of second leg on chair. Step down with second leg g. Return to original standing position by placing foot of first leg to floor. Repeat first step with opposite leg alternating first steps between legs.
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